Monsieur Le Marquis Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols LOF 1 SHET 32810/3488 HD A |
It. Ch. Rivermist Take A Chance On Me ROI 13/93142 HD A, ED-Grad 0 |
Multi Ch. Eastdale Just a Dreamstone CMKU/SHE/8390/11/10 HD A, ED-Grad 0 | |
Ch. I IL Granaio Dei Malatesta Abracadabra ROI/172282 | |||
Good Golly Miss Molly Di Selvaspina LOF 1SMet 26741/4742 |
Talisman Di Selvaspina ROI 09/172282 MDR1+/-, CEA +/-, PRA frei | ||
Glorydays Di Selvaspina ROI 03/156417 | |||
It. Ch. Rivermist she dreamed a dream ROI 14/15017 HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/- |
It. Int. Ch. Mainland`s Dreamweaver ROI 11/82262 |
N Ch. Sheldon smart design NO51679/10 | |
Schw.Ch., N.Ch. Japaro sho n tell KCAJ03516902 | |||
IL Granaio Malastesta Butterfly Wings ROI 11/104147 |
Talisman Di Selvaspina ROI 09/172282 MDR1+/-, CEA +/-, PRA frei | ||
Candy Cotton Di Selvaspina ROI 07/28037 | |||
Little-Queeny Tashina of Queensland Hündin VDH SSCD 4111 * 08.07.2018 Sheltie zobelweiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/-, PRA frei, CEA frei 276098106735209 |
Ch. Blue Witch Jimmy Mack LOF 1 Shet. 29 407/3 217 dunkelzobel 250268711114291 |
Microgarden's Look This Way NKKR 06999/07 578097809002629 |
Degallo The Legend KCSB 0512CN zobel-weiß PRA frei, CEA frei |
Microgarden's Ain't Misbehavin NKKR 14324/00 zobel-weiß PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Blue Witch Ding Dang Dong LOF 1 Shet. 21 120/3 826 250269500216173 |
Blue Witch Crunch LOF 1 SHET. 19 357/2 043 dunkelzobel | ||
Une Beautiful Girl Blue Witch LOF 1 SHET. 16 499/3 198 dunkelzobel | |||
D.Ch. VDH&SSCD, D.J.Ch.Club, Vet.Ch. Little-Golden Gigi of Queensland VDH SSCD 2052 * 02.06.2013 zobel-weiß HD B, MDR1 +/+, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Excellent Choice Such Is Life VDH/ZBrH SHE 20084 zobel-weiß HD B, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/-, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Japaro By Design KCSB 3015 CQ zobel-weiß PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |
Ch. Excellent Choice Twinkle-Star VDH/ZBrH 16203 zobel-weiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Ch. Little-Uhura in Gold of Queensland VDH SSCD 0751 zobel-weiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Dt. VDH Ch. Van Glenalan Sweet Lover VDH SSCD 0683 zobel-weiß HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Ch. Little Glamour-Girl of Queensland VDH/ZBrH 17796 zobel-weiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |