Ch. Blue Witch Jimmy Mack LOF 1 Shet. 29 407/3 217 dunkelzobel 250268711114291 |
Microgarden's Look This Way NKKR 06999/07 | ||
Blue Witch Ding Dang Dong LOF 1 Shet. 21 120/3 826 | |||
Infinie Douceur D'Ete Des Lutins De Cassiopee LOF 1 SHET.26 925/5 432 dunkelzobel |
Int. Ch.,Lux. Ch., B.Ch., NL. Ch. Gimme All Your Lovin' Des Lutins De Cassiopee LOF 1 SHET. 25 090/2 751 dunkelzobel MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, DM (Exon 2) N/N | ||
Cassiopee De Pairandou LOF 1 SHET.20 293/3 706 dunkelzobel | |||
Quilt Bi from Marmorea's Shelter VDH SSCD 1897 Bluemerle ohne Tan HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/-, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Salt City The Dark Knight NHSB 2767240 Tri-Color HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Denian Deuce's Are Wild AKC DN2283801 Bluemerle | |
Apple Acres Rock Star AKC DN8824001 Tri-Color | |||
Yalla Diva from Marmorea's Shelter NHSB 2666134 Bluemerle MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Eyecatcher Blue Diamond of Ulanova NHSB 2518162 Bluemerle | ||
Queen Fajah from Marmorea's Shelter NHSB 2508200 Tri-Color | |||
Queen Of Light from Shamrock River Hündin VDH/ZBrH SHE 25766 Sheltie tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. C-A-Moon Versace VDH/ZBrH SHE 20749 Schwarzweiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Rosmoor Protocol AKC DN16216102 Tri-Color |
Ch. Pop Star ss of Northern Farm AKC DL91785901 Tri-Color |
Ch. Rosmoor Rapture II AKC DN01453401 Bluemerle ohne Tan | |||
Ch. C-A-Moon Madeline AKC DN11182701 Bluemerle ohne Tan |
Ch. Macdega Notorious AKC DN03761001 Tri-Color | ||
C-A-Moon Judging Amy AKC DL91748201 Bluemerle ohne Tan | |||
Just For Fun from Shamorock River VDH/ZBrH SHE 21526 dunkelzobel HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Goodtimes Blazin' Hot Moments DKK 01749/2007 dunkelzobel HD A, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Goodtimes Too Hot To Handle AKC DN09032906 Zobelweiß HD A, MDR1+/- | |
Goodtime Precious Moments AKC DN02638501 Zobelweiß | |||
You're My Star from Shamrock River VDH/ZBrH 19370 dunkelzobel HD A, MDR1+/-, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Miles Mc Coy vom Ohmtalteufel VDH ZBrH 14007 Dunkelzobel HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Kyrie Fair Play Called Sydney VDH/ZBrH 17938 Schwarzweiß HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |