Ch. Blue Witch Jimmy Mack LOF 1 Shet. 29 407/3 217 dunkelzobel 250268711114291 |
Microgarden's Look This Way NKKR 06999/07 578097809002629 |
Degallo The Legend KCSB 0512CN zobel-weiß PRA frei, CEA frei | |
Microgarden's Ain't Misbehavin NKKR 14324/00 zobel-weiß PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Blue Witch Ding Dang Dong LOF 1 Shet. 21 120/3 826 250269500216173 |
Blue Witch Crunch LOF 1 SHET. 19 357/2 043 dunkelzobel | ||
Une Beautiful Girl Blue Witch LOF 1 SHET. 16 499/3 198 dunkelzobel | |||
Infinie Douceur D'Ete Des Lutins De Cassiopee LOF 1 SHET.26 925/5 432 dunkelzobel |
Int. Ch.,Lux. Ch., B.Ch., NL. Ch. Gimme All Your Lovin' Des Lutins De Cassiopee LOF 1 SHET. 25 090/2 751 dunkelzobel MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, DM (Exon 2) N/N 250268730027134 |
Ch. Snow Life Versace LOF 1 SHET. 22 863/2 360 Tri-Color MDR1+/-, CEA +/- | |
Dhaka Des Farfadets De La Pinede LOF 1 SHET. 20 347/3 755 Zobelweiß | |||
Cassiopee De Pairandou LOF 1 SHET.20 293/3 706 dunkelzobel |
Bram Blond Du Grand Pre D'Ortignac LOF 1 SHET: 18 539/ 1 904 Zobelweiß | ||
Ayta LOF 1 SHET. 17 545/3 240 Zobelweiß | |||
Green Paradise Penny Lane Hündin VDH SSCD 2091 Sheltie tricolor HD B, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/-, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Green Paradise Catch Me If You Can VDH/ZBrH SHE 20743 bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Int. Ch. Sunnangardens Tage M SKK 55877/2007 Tricolor PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Rannerdale Casanova SKK 38886/2006 Zobelweiß |
Sunnangardens My SKK 53131/2004 Tricolor HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Fantasy van't Lozenbos VDH/ZBrH SHE 20245 Bluemerle HD B, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Eastdale Born To Be Clown NHSB 2325943 blue-merle HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | ||
Ch. Yenthe Little Fantasy LOSH 0845500 Tri-Color PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Sweet'n Special Bohemian Rhapsody VDH/ZBrH SHE 21113 tricolor HD B, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Blue Nick-Nack o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 17955 blue-merle HD A, MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Feljima's Dashing Christmas Star NHSB 2430102 tricolour HD A, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |
Blue Rubinetta o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 14972 blue-merle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei | |||
Green Paradise Another Day In Heaven VDH/ZBrH SHE 19916 Tricolor HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |
Ch. Scotsdream Still O'ThNite NHSB 2615658 tricolour MDR1 +/+, CEA +/+, PRA frei, ED-Grad 0, Kat frei | ||
Blue Yvette o'the Highlands VDH/ZBrH 16012 Bluemerle HD A, MDR1 +/+, PRA frei, CEA frei, Kat frei |